When I got the album “The Longest Road I Know”
about 12 days ago, recorded by a blues man that bears the name Small
Blues Trap and that comes from Greece, I knew it would be wrong to
ignore it because it really deserves attention. Many may wonder: when
has this band come to existence?
In Croatia, the Small Blues Trap are not very well known and I am probably one of the few more knowledgeable ones who is acquainted with their discography. The whole story begins with their frontman and impressive harp player Paul Karapiperis, who works also independently besides being the leader of the Small Blues Trap.
This year's new album “The Longest Road I Know” the Small Blues Trap features Georgia Sylleou, a singer with an interesting vocal expression. Her vocal modulations are not for everyone, and it took me a while to get used to this form of presentation. But I know that in previous releases of their work, the Small Blues Trap have a very original approach to the way they treat the majority of traditional blues. Paul lives and works in Malesina, so the recording and mixing of the album was made in the 'Shelter Home Studio' located in the same city. This band was founded in the year 2004 and no matter how one looks at it, the Small Blues Trap are the pride of the Greek blues scene. The core of their latest CD might be best described by the following compositions: It Sure Looks Funny, The Frenzy Lake, I'm Nothin 'But A Good Man, Now We Are Strangers, Rememberin' The Good Ol 'Days, The Black Crow King and Your Mind Keeps Ramblin'. All of these are original compositions and contain a powerful combination of different blues styles, which are not restricted in just a dynamic R & B compositions since they contain strong elements of psychedelia. Their albums are so far: Our Trap (2005), Crossroad Ritual (2006), Red Snakes & Cave Bats (2010). Of course there are solo albums by Paul Karapiperis whose personal works that can be traced in the band’s albums as well. The fact that they are consistent in their work is very positive because it is hard to be and to sound 100% original in this particular musical genre. The Small Blues Trap are known for having a different perception regarding the rich blues tradition. All this heritage so impressively blends into something that becomes a major determinant of the sound of this very interesting band. All these deep feelings interwoven in their southern story becomes extremely complex and compact. An excellent example is the acoustic, truly brilliant song “Take Me Away From All Of These”.
It is very clear that the whole story in the new project by the Small Blues Trap is outstanding. Yes, it's blues music for a wide range of consumers but it really aims at catching the blues connoisseurs’ attention who seek... something more, something different, but something that in its primordial sense is deeply linked to traditional blues.
I give them 9 out of 10, in terms of a well made and complete album in terms of originality and musical pearl, perhaps even 10 out of 10 for the song “When I Whisper My Fears To My Baby” where again we hear the vocals Georgia Sylleou, a very special singer. However, some surely are going to like it, others will simply deny it, but what we all have to do for sure is to acknowledge the phenomenal arrangements and complete the atmosphere which differs from song to song. The Small Blues Trap are able re-supply the traditional material and set very high standards for that. In fact what they do is really a big deal.
Band consists of:
Paul Karapiperis / vocals, harmonica, steel guitar
Panagiotis Daras / guitar
Lefteris Besios / bass
Stathis Evageliou / drums
These musicians bring to us a strong impressive soundtrack imbued with a very interesting material. They had no fear or hesitation going through what they had in mind which is to present a 21 century version of the blues. They seem to be among the best who undertake such projects.
For this reason, this album is not just a new album, but it is a specific train, which brings a rich load of traditional blues with the elements of this unique Mississippi Delta musical style, wrapped in such a unique, original and inspiring form that this undoubtedly great blues band has created.
In the flood of various CD releases , only a small number of albums, can approach with respect but simultaneously with an appetite for experimentation like this band.
For European standards, this blues album, “The Longest Road I Know” made by these Greek blues musicians who work under the name of Small Blues Trap is far ahead, even a bit above the blues work done by blues musicians in our continent.
Once again Paul Karapiperis and his Small Blues Trap featuring Georgia Sylleou succeeded in originally approaching the blues traditions whereas many others have failed. The band has made another one interesting move by establishing and cementing itself by having mastered the technique of giving traditional blues a much broader and more attractive dimension.
Why is it like that, you'll have to check yourself ... That’s the best way to do it!
In Croatia, the Small Blues Trap are not very well known and I am probably one of the few more knowledgeable ones who is acquainted with their discography. The whole story begins with their frontman and impressive harp player Paul Karapiperis, who works also independently besides being the leader of the Small Blues Trap.
This year's new album “The Longest Road I Know” the Small Blues Trap features Georgia Sylleou, a singer with an interesting vocal expression. Her vocal modulations are not for everyone, and it took me a while to get used to this form of presentation. But I know that in previous releases of their work, the Small Blues Trap have a very original approach to the way they treat the majority of traditional blues. Paul lives and works in Malesina, so the recording and mixing of the album was made in the 'Shelter Home Studio' located in the same city. This band was founded in the year 2004 and no matter how one looks at it, the Small Blues Trap are the pride of the Greek blues scene. The core of their latest CD might be best described by the following compositions: It Sure Looks Funny, The Frenzy Lake, I'm Nothin 'But A Good Man, Now We Are Strangers, Rememberin' The Good Ol 'Days, The Black Crow King and Your Mind Keeps Ramblin'. All of these are original compositions and contain a powerful combination of different blues styles, which are not restricted in just a dynamic R & B compositions since they contain strong elements of psychedelia. Their albums are so far: Our Trap (2005), Crossroad Ritual (2006), Red Snakes & Cave Bats (2010). Of course there are solo albums by Paul Karapiperis whose personal works that can be traced in the band’s albums as well. The fact that they are consistent in their work is very positive because it is hard to be and to sound 100% original in this particular musical genre. The Small Blues Trap are known for having a different perception regarding the rich blues tradition. All this heritage so impressively blends into something that becomes a major determinant of the sound of this very interesting band. All these deep feelings interwoven in their southern story becomes extremely complex and compact. An excellent example is the acoustic, truly brilliant song “Take Me Away From All Of These”.
It is very clear that the whole story in the new project by the Small Blues Trap is outstanding. Yes, it's blues music for a wide range of consumers but it really aims at catching the blues connoisseurs’ attention who seek... something more, something different, but something that in its primordial sense is deeply linked to traditional blues.
I give them 9 out of 10, in terms of a well made and complete album in terms of originality and musical pearl, perhaps even 10 out of 10 for the song “When I Whisper My Fears To My Baby” where again we hear the vocals Georgia Sylleou, a very special singer. However, some surely are going to like it, others will simply deny it, but what we all have to do for sure is to acknowledge the phenomenal arrangements and complete the atmosphere which differs from song to song. The Small Blues Trap are able re-supply the traditional material and set very high standards for that. In fact what they do is really a big deal.
Band consists of:
Paul Karapiperis / vocals, harmonica, steel guitar
Panagiotis Daras / guitar
Lefteris Besios / bass
Stathis Evageliou / drums
These musicians bring to us a strong impressive soundtrack imbued with a very interesting material. They had no fear or hesitation going through what they had in mind which is to present a 21 century version of the blues. They seem to be among the best who undertake such projects.
For this reason, this album is not just a new album, but it is a specific train, which brings a rich load of traditional blues with the elements of this unique Mississippi Delta musical style, wrapped in such a unique, original and inspiring form that this undoubtedly great blues band has created.
In the flood of various CD releases , only a small number of albums, can approach with respect but simultaneously with an appetite for experimentation like this band.
For European standards, this blues album, “The Longest Road I Know” made by these Greek blues musicians who work under the name of Small Blues Trap is far ahead, even a bit above the blues work done by blues musicians in our continent.
Once again Paul Karapiperis and his Small Blues Trap featuring Georgia Sylleou succeeded in originally approaching the blues traditions whereas many others have failed. The band has made another one interesting move by establishing and cementing itself by having mastered the technique of giving traditional blues a much broader and more attractive dimension.
Why is it like that, you'll have to check yourself ... That’s the best way to do it!
Mladen Lončar

Kada sam prije nekoliko desetaka dana dobio ovaj
album The Longest Road I Know, blues banda koji radi i djeluje pod
imenom Small Blues Trap i koji nam dolazi iz Grčke, znao sam da ne bi
valjalo propustiti da mu se ne posveti pozornost koja mu sa pravom
pripada. Sad mnogi pitaju od kuda sad to?
Small Blues Trap u Hrvatskoj nisu pretjerano poznati i vjerojatno sam jedan od rijetkih koji se ubraja u malo bolje poznavatelje njihovog rada i diskografskog opusa. Cijela priča počinje od njihovog frontmana, dojmljivog svirača usne harmonike Paula Karapiperisa, koji radi i samostalno, ali i zajedno s bendom Small Blues Trap.
Ovaj novi, ovogodišnji album The Longest Road I Know Small Blues Trap featuring Georgia Sylleou, pjevačicu interesantnog vokalnog izričaja. Čije vokalne modulacije nisu za svakoga i koju slušamo u četiri pjesme i meni osobno je trebalo dosta vremena da se priviknem na takvu prezentacijsku formu. No, znam da i na prijašnjim izdanjima Small Blues Trap imaju vrlo originalan pristup prezentaciji većinom tradicionalnog bluesa, Kako sam Paul živi i radi u gradu Malesina, tako je i snimanje i miksanje albuma odrađeno u 'Shelter Home' studiju u istom gradu proces je započeo i doveden je do kraja. Inače, ovaj band osnovan je 2004. godine i bez obzira kako tko na to gledao, Small Blues Trap ponos su grčke blues scene. Kao oličenje njihovog glazbenog izričaja možda bi ponajbolje mogle opisati skladbe poput: It Sure Looks Funny, The Frenzy Lake, I'm Nothin' But A Good Man, Now We Are Strangers, Rememberin' The Good Ol' Days, The Black Crow King i Your Mind Keeps Ramblin'. Sve te autorske skladbe u sebi sadrže moćni spoje različitih blues stilova, koji su povrh toga još ispunjeni od dinamičnog r&b do kompleksnog glazbenog izražavanja, koje susrećemo u psihodeliji. Sve to možemo itekako koncizno pratiti na njihovim albumima:: Our Trap (2005.),
Crossroad Ritual (2006),Red Snakes & Cave Bats ( 2010). Naravno tu su i solo albumi Paula Karapiperisa u kojima, on snažno protežira upravo sve to, što možemo čuti i na ovim nabrojenim albumima. To što su dosljedni u svojoj prezentacijskoj formi samo im je plus više, jer teško je danas biti 100% originalan i svoj . Small Blues Trap su poznati upravo po tome, što njihovo viđenje bogate tradicije bluesa ima sasvim drugačiju percepciju. Sva ta baština tako dojmljivo se pretapa u nešto što postaje glavna odrednica ovog vrlo interesantnog banda. Sva ta duboka osjećajnost isprepletena u njihovu južnjačku priču postaje izuzetno kompleksna i kompaktna. Odličan primjer je akustična , doista briljantna skladba Take Me Away From All Of These.
Itekako je jasno da cijela ta priča, taj projekt nazvan Small Blues Trap izvrsno funkcionira. Da, nije to glazba, blues namijenjen širokom spektru konzumenata. Više je to materijal za provjerene blues znalce, koji traže ono…nešto više, nešto drugačije ali nešto, što u svom iskonskom značenju je duboko određeno tradicionalnim bluesom.
Kada bih im davao ocjenu, rekao bih sljedeće 9 od 10, što se tiče kompletnog albuma a za originalnost i sljedeći glazbeni biser 10 od 10. When I Whisper My Fears To My Baby, gdje ponovo na vokalu slušamo Georgiu Sylleou, pjevačicu koja je nešto posebno. Nekome će se to sviđati, drugi će jednostavno negirati to, ali ono što se mora priznati su fenomenalni aranžmani i kompletni ugođaj, koji je zapravo u svakoj pjesmi potpuno drugačiji. Small Blues Trap su ponovo isporučili materijale, kojima dominiraju visoki standardi. Ta njihova autorska crta je dominantna i zapravo je to…zaista velika stvar.
Band čine:
Paul Karapiperis /vokali,usna harmonika, steel gitara
Panagiotis Daras /gitara
Lefteris Besios /bas
Stathis Evageliou /bubnjevi
Ovi glazbenici donose nam snažna impresivnu glazbenu podlogu prožetu vrlo interesantnim rješenjima. Oni bez imalo straha i ustručavanja idu dalje, oni prezentiraju blues, koji ima svoje mjesto u ovom, novom 21.stoljeću. Small Blues Trap itekako snažno prepoznaju sve ono najbolje, što nam dolazi iz korijenskih izdanaka tradicionalnog bluesa.
Upravo iz tog razloga, ovaj album nije samo novi album, već je to točno određeni vlak, koji nam donosi bogat teret tradicionalnog bluesa sa samog izvorišta ovog jedinstvenog glazbenog stila… sa Delte Mississippija umotanog u tako jedinstvenu, originalnu i nadahnutu prezentacijsku formu ovog nesumnjivo izvrsnog blues banda.
U poplavi raznih izdanja, vrlo je mali broj albuma, koji svrsishodno opisuju glazbene afinitete autora, a osobito bandova, koji prezentiraju tradicionalni blues izričaj.
Za europske blues standarde album The Longest Road I Know grčkih blues glazbenika, koji djeluju pod imenom Small Blues Trap, daleko je ispred, čak i malo razvikanijih blues ostvarenja sa našeg kontinenta.
Još jednom Paul Karapiperis i njegovi Small Blues Trap featuring Georgiu Sylleou uspjeli su svojim autorskim radom i originalnim pristupom, učiniti ono …što mnogima nije uspjelo, a to je : snimiti kvalitetan i originalan materijal, pored toga interesantno pomaknuti neke ustaljene i gotovo zacementirane blues postulate te samom bluesu dati još jednu novu, puno širu i atraktivniju dimenziju.
Zašto je to baš tako, morati ćete sami provjeriti… a tako je i najbolje!
Mladen LončarSmall Blues Trap u Hrvatskoj nisu pretjerano poznati i vjerojatno sam jedan od rijetkih koji se ubraja u malo bolje poznavatelje njihovog rada i diskografskog opusa. Cijela priča počinje od njihovog frontmana, dojmljivog svirača usne harmonike Paula Karapiperisa, koji radi i samostalno, ali i zajedno s bendom Small Blues Trap.
Ovaj novi, ovogodišnji album The Longest Road I Know Small Blues Trap featuring Georgia Sylleou, pjevačicu interesantnog vokalnog izričaja. Čije vokalne modulacije nisu za svakoga i koju slušamo u četiri pjesme i meni osobno je trebalo dosta vremena da se priviknem na takvu prezentacijsku formu. No, znam da i na prijašnjim izdanjima Small Blues Trap imaju vrlo originalan pristup prezentaciji većinom tradicionalnog bluesa, Kako sam Paul živi i radi u gradu Malesina, tako je i snimanje i miksanje albuma odrađeno u 'Shelter Home' studiju u istom gradu proces je započeo i doveden je do kraja. Inače, ovaj band osnovan je 2004. godine i bez obzira kako tko na to gledao, Small Blues Trap ponos su grčke blues scene. Kao oličenje njihovog glazbenog izričaja možda bi ponajbolje mogle opisati skladbe poput: It Sure Looks Funny, The Frenzy Lake, I'm Nothin' But A Good Man, Now We Are Strangers, Rememberin' The Good Ol' Days, The Black Crow King i Your Mind Keeps Ramblin'. Sve te autorske skladbe u sebi sadrže moćni spoje različitih blues stilova, koji su povrh toga još ispunjeni od dinamičnog r&b do kompleksnog glazbenog izražavanja, koje susrećemo u psihodeliji. Sve to možemo itekako koncizno pratiti na njihovim albumima:: Our Trap (2005.),
Crossroad Ritual (2006),Red Snakes & Cave Bats ( 2010). Naravno tu su i solo albumi Paula Karapiperisa u kojima, on snažno protežira upravo sve to, što možemo čuti i na ovim nabrojenim albumima. To što su dosljedni u svojoj prezentacijskoj formi samo im je plus više, jer teško je danas biti 100% originalan i svoj . Small Blues Trap su poznati upravo po tome, što njihovo viđenje bogate tradicije bluesa ima sasvim drugačiju percepciju. Sva ta baština tako dojmljivo se pretapa u nešto što postaje glavna odrednica ovog vrlo interesantnog banda. Sva ta duboka osjećajnost isprepletena u njihovu južnjačku priču postaje izuzetno kompleksna i kompaktna. Odličan primjer je akustična , doista briljantna skladba Take Me Away From All Of These.
Itekako je jasno da cijela ta priča, taj projekt nazvan Small Blues Trap izvrsno funkcionira. Da, nije to glazba, blues namijenjen širokom spektru konzumenata. Više je to materijal za provjerene blues znalce, koji traže ono…nešto više, nešto drugačije ali nešto, što u svom iskonskom značenju je duboko određeno tradicionalnim bluesom.
Kada bih im davao ocjenu, rekao bih sljedeće 9 od 10, što se tiče kompletnog albuma a za originalnost i sljedeći glazbeni biser 10 od 10. When I Whisper My Fears To My Baby, gdje ponovo na vokalu slušamo Georgiu Sylleou, pjevačicu koja je nešto posebno. Nekome će se to sviđati, drugi će jednostavno negirati to, ali ono što se mora priznati su fenomenalni aranžmani i kompletni ugođaj, koji je zapravo u svakoj pjesmi potpuno drugačiji. Small Blues Trap su ponovo isporučili materijale, kojima dominiraju visoki standardi. Ta njihova autorska crta je dominantna i zapravo je to…zaista velika stvar.
Band čine:
Paul Karapiperis /vokali,usna harmonika, steel gitara
Panagiotis Daras /gitara
Lefteris Besios /bas
Stathis Evageliou /bubnjevi
Ovi glazbenici donose nam snažna impresivnu glazbenu podlogu prožetu vrlo interesantnim rješenjima. Oni bez imalo straha i ustručavanja idu dalje, oni prezentiraju blues, koji ima svoje mjesto u ovom, novom 21.stoljeću. Small Blues Trap itekako snažno prepoznaju sve ono najbolje, što nam dolazi iz korijenskih izdanaka tradicionalnog bluesa.
Upravo iz tog razloga, ovaj album nije samo novi album, već je to točno određeni vlak, koji nam donosi bogat teret tradicionalnog bluesa sa samog izvorišta ovog jedinstvenog glazbenog stila… sa Delte Mississippija umotanog u tako jedinstvenu, originalnu i nadahnutu prezentacijsku formu ovog nesumnjivo izvrsnog blues banda.
U poplavi raznih izdanja, vrlo je mali broj albuma, koji svrsishodno opisuju glazbene afinitete autora, a osobito bandova, koji prezentiraju tradicionalni blues izričaj.
Za europske blues standarde album The Longest Road I Know grčkih blues glazbenika, koji djeluju pod imenom Small Blues Trap, daleko je ispred, čak i malo razvikanijih blues ostvarenja sa našeg kontinenta.
Još jednom Paul Karapiperis i njegovi Small Blues Trap featuring Georgiu Sylleou uspjeli su svojim autorskim radom i originalnim pristupom, učiniti ono …što mnogima nije uspjelo, a to je : snimiti kvalitetan i originalan materijal, pored toga interesantno pomaknuti neke ustaljene i gotovo zacementirane blues postulate te samom bluesu dati još jednu novu, puno širu i atraktivniju dimenziju.
Zašto je to baš tako, morati ćete sami provjeriti… a tako je i najbolje!
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